Design & Test Center

Scientific Articles 1997

A New Approach to Build a Low-Level Malicious Fault List Starting from High-Level Description and Alternative Graphs (A. Benso, P.Prinetto, M.Rebaudengo, M.Sonza, R.Ubar). Proc. IEEE European Design & Test Conference, Paris, March 17-20, 1997, pp. 560-565.
Formalization and Validation of the Std_Logic-1164 and Numeric-Std VHDL Packages using the Nqthm Theorem Prover (J.Dushina, D.Borrione). Proc. of the 2nd Workshop on Libraries, Component Modeling, and Quality Assuarance. Toledo (Spain), April, 1997, pp. 169-180.
Multi-Valued Simulation with Binary Decision Diagrams (R.Ubar, J.Raik). Proc.IEEE European Test Workshop, Cagliari (Italy), May 28-30, 1997, pp.28-29.
Representing Transparency Conditions in Test Generation for VLSI by Decision Diagrams (R.Ubar). 1st Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference. Bratislava, September 4-5, 1997, pp.213-216.
Behavioral Level Modeling of Digital Systems for Testing Purposes (R.Ubar). 42nd International Conference. Part 1. Ilmenau (Germany), September 22-25, 1997, pp. 510-515.
Exploiting High-Level Descriptions for Circuits Fault Tolerance Assessments (A.Benso, P.Prinetto, M.Rebaudengo, M.Sonza Reorda, J.Raik, R.Ubar). 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems. Paris, October 20-22, 1997, pp. 212-216.
CAD Software for Digital Test and Diagnostics (G.Jervan, A.Markus, P.Paomets,J.Raik, R.Ubar). Proc. of International Conference on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems. Beskydy Mountains, Czech Republic, May 12-16, 1997, pp.35-40.
Boolean Derivatives and Multi-Valued Simulation on Binary Decision Diagrams (R.Ubar). 4th International Workshop on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. Poznan, June 12-14, 1997, pp.115-120.
A Hierarchical Automatic Test Pattern Generator Based on Using Alternative Graphs (M.Brik, G.Jervan, A.Markus, J.Raik, R.Ubar). 4th International Workshop on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. Poznan, June 12-14, 1997, pp.415-420.
Automatic Test Generation System for VLSI (G.Jervan, A.Markus, J.Raik, R.Ubar). 1st Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference. Bratislava, September 4-5,1997, pp. 255-258.
Multi-Valued Simulation of Digital Circuits (R.Ubar). Proc. of the IEEE 21st Int. Conference on Microelectronics. Nis, Yugoslavia, September 14-17, 1997, pp. 721-724.
A Set of Tools for Estimating Quality of Built-In Self-Test in Digital Circuits (G.Jervan, A.Markus, P.Paomets, J.Raik, R.Ubar). Proc. of the International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems. Iasi, (Romania), October 2-3, 1997, pp.362-365.
A VLSI implementation of RSA and IDEA encryption engine (A.Buldas, J.Põldre). 15th NORCHIP Conference, Tallinn, November 10-11, 1997, pp. 281-288.
Assembling Low-Level Tests to High-Level Symbolic Test Frames (G. Jervan, A.Markus, J. Raik, R. Ubar). IEEE 15th NORCHIP Conference, Tallinn, November 10-11, 1997, pp. 275-280.
Mixed-Level Test Generator for Digital Systems (M. Brik, G. Jervan, A. Markus, P. Paomets, J. Raik, R. Ubar). Proceedings of the Estonian Acad. of Sci. Engng, 1997, Vol. 3 , No 4, pp. 269-280.
Circuit Partitioning Method for FPGAs (H.Krupnova, G.Saucier). Proceedings of the Estonian Acad. of Sci. Engng, 1997, Vol. 3 , No 4, pp. 280-291.

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