Guide for Synopsys simulator


Before to start

In our classes we need to choose configuration of environment, which allows to use SYNOPSYS. You can make it with command

·        cad

While working Synopsys creates a lot of files, which are not useful to hold in root directory. Therefore, create subdirectory for Synopsys projects

·        mkdir hdl

and go inside this directory

·        cd hdl

Copy to this directory setup file for Synopsys

·        cp ~lrv/hdl/.synopsys_vss.setup .

Create in this directory subdirectory WORK.sim

·        mkdir WORK.sim

Start to work:)

Compiling the design


Compiling your design


Now lets compile yours VHDL files in correct order. Compile one design file mux.vhdl.


·        vhdlan mux.vhd


You can compile all files at once. The first file in a line will be compiled firstly. You can compile mux.vhd and t_mux.vhd together at one time as following:


·        vhdlan mux.vhd t_mux.vhd


If your design contains errors, you will see the message in following format:


Error: [file_name(line_number)] description….



scs TB_MUX


Here, TB_MUX is the name of the configuration you wish to simulate.




For simulation the VHDL files we would use scirocco tool in GUI mode, which is part of Synpsys.


Scirocco Tool Launch


To launch the tool type the following (you need to be in the directory where scsim file is – the result executable file of the compilation):

·        scirocco &


This will open Simulator Invocation Dialog Figure 1, where

·        type Scirocco must be chosen for simulation the VHDL design

·        click OK to launch the simulator



Figure 1 Scirocco simulator invocation dialog


The Interactive Window with the name “VirSim-Interactive –SIM …” will open (Figure 2).


Figure 2 Interactive window of scirocco


Organizing the Display


Three important windows are Interactive Window, Hierarchy Window and the Waveform Window. You can open Hierarchy Window:

And Waveform Window:


In the Interactive Window there is Command line, where you can type any command.



Traversing the design hierarchy


In the Hierarchy window (Figure 3) you can see the hierarchy of your design and signals window will display all the signals of chosen hierarchy.


Figure 3 Hierarchy window



Displaying signals in waveform window


For debugging purposes, you can view signals within your design. The waveform window (Figure 4) displays the signals’ current value as well as any history.


Figure 4 Waveform window


You can add signals into the waveform window:



Chosen signals must appear in the waveform window.




Controlling the simulation


Running the simulation


You can run the simulation for a set amount of time by typing run X in the command line of Interactive window, where X is the number of nanoseconds that you wish to run for, for example run for 100 ns



With typing just run without specifying the time, the simulator will run for default amount of time, which is specified in the part of Interactive windowSimulator Control” under step time.


·        Control the behavior of the design in waveform window



Using the waveform display


Observe the behaviour of the design in the waveform display. You can zoom in and zoom out the view of waveforms.



Restart the Simulation


The simulation can be restarted to time 0 using the restart command. When this happens, the simulator reloads any re-compiled design files the libraries. In this case, as you have just re-compiled your edited source code into the work library, the simulator will restart using your modified code.



The simulation time will be set back to zero.

Note that the signals are still listed in the waveform display, but the previous waveforms are no longer displayed.


Quitting the simulator


When you have finished simulating, quit the simulator:




·        Type quit in the command line of Interactive window


·        Sim -> Finish


Re-executing the simulation


·        Sim -> Re-exec