Usage of the Built-In Self-Test (BIST) Emulator

Emulation tool for Built-In Logic Block Observer (BILBO) and Circular Self-Test Path (CSTP) architectures.

command: bist

input: SSBDD model file (.agm)
output: test pattern file (.tst)



rand -glen <generator_length> [-alen <analyzer_length>] [options] <design>
-gpoly <generator_poly> -ginit <generator_init>
  [-apoly <analyzer_poly> -ainit <analyzer_init>] [options] <design>

design: Name of the design file without .agm extension.

Length of the generator LFSR in bits (Use only with -rand option!)

analyzer_length: Length of the analyzer LFSR in bits (Use only with -rand and -simul bilbo options!)
generator_poly:                         Feedback polynomial of the generator LFSR in binary digits.
(Do not use with -rand option!)
generator_init: Initial value of the generator LFSR in binary digits (Do not use with -rand option!)
analyzer_poly:                          Feedback polynomial of the analyzr LFSR in binary digits.
(Do not use with -rand and -simul cstp option!).
analyzer_init:                            Initial value of the analyzer LFSR in binary digits.
(Do not use with -rand and -simul cstp option!).
-rand Generate random LFSR feedback polynomials and initial states.
-aliasing                            With this option selected, exact fault coverage values will be reported. BIST emulation will be slower but it will take into account possible fault aliasing in the analyzer LFSR.
-simul <bilbo|cstp> Choses between BILBO and CSTP architectures. (Default is BILBO).
-count <cycles> The length of the test in clock cycles. Default is 1000.
-optimize                             Dismiss test patterns at the end of the test sequence that do not detect any additional faults.
-lsb                                 Design outputs are connected to the side of less significant bits of the analyzer LFSR. (Default is the side of more significant bits).


! LFSR bitwidth is determined by the number of binary digits in the specified initial state and polynomial. The number of digits in initial state must be equal to the number of digits in polynomial.

Construction of an Abstract Network

Last update: 28 July, 2004