An Example of Usage of the Genetic ATPG

Similarly to the deterministic ATPG, the use with the default options of the genetic algorithm based ATPG means that we should give only the name of the design to the ATPG:

prompt> genetic c17 *give the name of the design to the genetic ATPG*
Genetic ATPG

Reading SSBDD-model file c17.agm... OK

Allocating test patterns... OK

Generating... OK
Time, used by process: 0.090000 

Allocating test patterns... OK

Writing test patterns file c17.tst... OK

Tested 22 of 22 faults
Fault coverage: 100.000000 
5 vectors generated


The genetic ATPG has several options the tuning of which can help to improve the test quality. They are -mutation_rate1, -mutation_rate2, -popul_size, -timeout, and -max_generations (refer to the TT manual for an explanation of each option's function). Here we use the -popul_size to make the test shorter:

prompt> genetic -popul_size 64 c17
Genetic ATPG

*the population here is two times bigger (64)*
*than the default one (32)*

Reading SSBDD-model file c17.agm... OK

Allocating test patterns... OK

Generating... OK
Time, used by process: 0.170000

Allocating test patterns... OK

Writing test patterns file c17.tst... OK

Tested 22 of 22 faults
Fault coverage: 100.000000
4 vectors generated


You can also try to play with -mutation_rate1 and -mutation_rate2 options. Probably they can help to achieve a better test generation time.

Construction of an Abstract Network

Last update: 28 July, 2004