An Example of Fault Simulation

The fault simulation for existing test vectors can be performed either using the dedicated analyze tool or directly from the vecmanager. The analyze tool gives the following information (take a look at this log and at the comments given in between of two * (stars):
prompt> analyze c17 *give the name of the design to the fault simulator*
Fault Simulator for Combinational Circuits 

Reading SSBDD-model file c17.agm... OK 

Reading test patterns file c17.tst... OK 

Simulating... OK 
Time, used by process: 0.000000 

Covered 20 of 22 faults  *the information here tells that 20 faults of *
Fault coverage: 90.909091  *22 possible faults are detectable by these*
4 vectors simulated  *4 patterns what gives 90.91 % cover*
Writing test patterns file c17.tst... OK  *saves here the fault table, the coverage,*
  *and other simulation information*


The fault simulation information can be obtained later either from this file (c17.tst) or in a more convenient way using the report tool. In the following, we give some examples of usage of the tool.

prompt> report -coverage c17  *use it to check out the fault coverage*
Generating Report 

Reading SSBDD-model file c17.agm... OK 

Reading test patterns file c17.tst... OK 

Fault coverage: 90.909091 % (20/22) 


prompt> report -patterns c17  *this option shows the number of test vectors*
Generating Report 

Reading SSBDD-model file c17.agm... OK 

Reading test patterns file c17.tst... OK 

Number of patterns: 4 


prompt> report -tested c17  *in this way we can look up which faults are testable*
Generating Report 

Reading SSBDD-model file c17.agm... OK 

Reading test patterns file c17.tst... OK 

Tested faults: 


Node 0 (x3): sa-0
Node 0 (x3): sa-1
Node 1 (x4): sa-0
Node 1 (x4): sa-1
Node 2 (g2>inp2): sa-0
Node 2 (g2>inp2): sa-1
Node 3 (g3>inp1): sa-0
Node 3 (g3>inp1): sa-1
Node 4 (x2): sa-0
Node 4 (x2): sa-1
Node 5 (x5): sa-0
Node 5 (x5): sa-1
Node 6 (g4>inp2): sa-0
Node 6 (g4>inp2): sa-1
Node 7 (g3>inp2): sa-0
Node 7 (g3>inp2): sa-1
Node 8 (g5>inp1): sa-0
Node 8 (g5>inp1): sa-1
Node 9 (g1>inp1): sa-0
Node 10 (x1): sa-0 

Total of 20 nodes tested 

*stuck-at 0 is tested at Node 0 (at the input x3)*
*stuck-at 1 is tested at Node 0 as well*
*stuck-at 0 is tested at Node 1 (at the input x4)*

*stuck-at 0 is tested at the second input of g2*
*and so on*


prompt> report -not_tested c17  *shows the faults that remained untested*
Generating Report 

Reading SSBDD-model file c17.agm... OK 

Reading test patterns file c17.tst... OK 

Not tested faults: 

Node 9 (g1>inp1): sa-1 
Node 10 (x1): sa-1 

Total of 2 nodes not tested 


prompt> report -untestable c17 

*shows the faults for which it is proven*
*that they cannot be tested at all (redundant)*

Generating Report 

Reading SSBDD-model file c17.agm... OK 

Reading test patterns file c17.tst... OK 

Untestable faults: 

Total of 0 faults untestable 


prompt> report -table c17  *shows the fault table*
Generating Report 

Reading SSBDD-model file c17.agm... OK 

Reading test patterns file c17.tst... OK 

Fault table report: 

: 01X0 
: 1XX0 
: X1X0 
: X0X1 
: X01X 
: 0X1X 
: 0XX1 
: X100 
: X10X 
: 0XX0 
: 0XX0 
*the first column corresponds to the the first vector*
*the second corresponds to the second*
*the third to the third and the fourth to the fourth*

*the "0" stands for testable s-a-0 by the*
*corresponding vector at the corresponding node*
*the "1" stands for s-a-1 and "X" if nothing is tested*


prompt> report -progress c17  *shows how the fault coverage incrementally*
*grows with each test vector*
Generating Report 

Reading SSBDD-model file c17.agm... OK 

Reading test patterns file c17.tst... OK 

Coverage progress report:


Pattern 1: coverage 27.272727 % (6/22) 
Pattern 2: coverage 54.545455 % (12/22) 
Pattern 3: coverage 72.727273 % (16/22) 
Pattern 4: coverage 90.909091 % (20/22) 

*the first vector covers 6 out of 22 faults which gives 27.27%*
*second one covers 6 faults more and the coverage grows*
*4 new faults are tested here increasing the cover to 72.73%*
*the 4 vectors alltogether cover 90.91% of all the faults*

Construction of an Abstract Network

Last update: 28 July, 2004