Main Publications Course

Ameer Shalabi

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ICT building
Room: ICT-509
Akadeemia tee 15a, 12616 Tallinn

           → CV

           → Publications

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I am a Junior Researcher of the Center for Dependable Computing Systems at the Department of Computer Systems at Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech). I am a graduate with a Bacholar of Arts (B.A.) in Computer Sicnece from Bard College (2016), then a Master of Science (MSc) in Computer and Systems Engineering from TalTech (2019). I am currently pursuing my PhD degree in Information and Communication Technologies from TalTech.

My research focuses on cache security and secure cache architectures. More specifically, the development of detection and mitigation systems of Logical Side-Channel Attacks (LSCAs). Current research includes the development of the Secure Cache Alternative Address Table (SCAAT) and the Secure Cache Test Environment (SeCTE).

Previous research includes the exploration of potential applications for Non-Volatile Memeory in cache systems. The outcome of this research is the development of the Non-Volatile Scratch Pad (NV-SP).

In addition to my research, I am a visiting lecturer at the Department of Computer Systems working on designing and lecturing the IAS0430 Microprocessor Systems course during the Winter semester.

If you would like to contact me, its simple: check my work calendar then simply drop me a message on my email listed above. We can alway arrange some time to meet up.