Cat Command


Concatenates file(s) and displays on the screen.

syntax:cat [options] [file...]
arguments: file(s) One or more files that should be concatenated
options: -n Precede each line output with its line number.
-b Number the lines, as -n, but omit the line numbers from blank lines.
-u The output is not buffered. (The default is buffered output).
-s cat is silent about non-existent files.
-v Non-printing characters (with exception of tabs, new-lines and form-feeds) are printed visibly. ASCII control characters (octal 000 - 037) are printed as ^n, where n is the corresponding ASCII character in the range octal 100 - 137 (@, A, B, C, ..., X, Y, Z, [, \, ], and _); the DEL character (octal 0177) is printed ^?. Other non-printable characters are printed as M-x, where x is the ASCII character specified by the low-order seven bits.

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