Report Command


Displays various statistics.

input:SSBDD model file (.agm), Test pattern file (.tst)
output:Report file (.rep)
syntax:report [options] <design>
arguments: design Name of the design file without .agm extension
options: -file <report_file> Report is written to a file repor_file
-coverage Shows the fault coverage data
-patterns Shows the number of test patterns
-tested Shows the list of tested faults
-not_tested Shows the list of not tested faults
-untestable Shows the list of untestable faults (For deterministic ATPG only)
-progress Shows achieved stuck-at fault coverages after each pattern. (Useful for BIST emulation tools for determining optimal test length in clock cycles)
-block <instance> Process only nodes associated with subinstance instance in a hierarchical design
-extension <extension> extension is the file name extension of the test apttern file. Default extension is tst

Error Conditions

No Error Conditions defined

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