Turbo Tester environment uses INI file for keeping central configuration information in it. This information covers directories (folders) where Turbo Tester and its components reside; Filename extension information; List of custom tools, and list of Web pages that are accessible via Help menu.
TT_INI_File : GeneralSection ExtensionsSection ToolsSections ToolEntrySections WebPagesSection ; GeneralSection : '[General]' 'RootDir' '=' string 'BinDir' '=' string 'HelpDir' '=' string 'LibDir' '=' string ['MediaDir '=' string] ['SetupDir' '=' string] 'PluginDir' '=' string 'HelpFile' '=' string 'HelpURL' '=' URL 'HelpType' '=' HelpType 'DefaultDesignMode' '=' DesignMode ; HelpType : 'Compiled' | 'Plain' ; DesignMode : 'STRUCTURAL' | ; ExtensionsSection : '[Extensions]' 'Model' '=' FileExtension 'TestPatterns' '=' FileExtension 'Script' '=' FileExtension ; FileExtension : (char)* ; ToolsSections : '[Tools]' (ToolSectItems)* ; ToolSectItems : CountItem (ToolSectItems2)* ; ToolSectItems2 : ToolItemEntry | SeparatorItem ; ToolItemEntry : number '=' EntryName ; EntryName : 'Tools.' identifier ; ToolEntrySections : '[' EntryName ']' 'Caption' '=' string 'Description' '=' string 'Hint' '=' string 'Command' '=' string 'GlyphLocation' '=' GlyphLoc 'Glyph' '=' string 'InputFormat' '=' InpuFmt ; GlyphLoc : 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 ; InpFmt : 0 | 1 | 2 ; WebPagesSection : '[WebPages]' CountItem (WebPageSectItems)* ; WebPageSectItems : URLItem | SeparatorItem ; CountItem : 'Count' '=' number ; URLItem : number '=' WebItemEntry ; WebItemEntry : '"'URLDescr '|' URL'"' | '''URLDescr '|' URL''' ; SeparatorItem : number '=' '<SEPARATOR>' ;
[General] RootDir = 'C:\Turbo Tester' BinDir = '${RootDir}\Bin' HelpDir = '${RootDir}\Help' LibDir = '${RootDir}\Lib' PluginDir = '${RootDir}\Plugins' HelpFile = 'Tester.chm' HelpURL = 'http://www.pld.ttu.ee/' HelpType = 'Compiled' DefaultDesignMode = 'STRUCTURAL' [Extensions] Model = AGM TestPatterns = TST Script = TT [Tools] Count = 4 1 = Tools.EditPat 2 = Tools.EditModel 3 = <SEPARATOR> 4 = Tools.Waveforms [Tools.EditModel] Caption = 'Edit &Model' Description = '' Hint = 'Edit Model|Edit Design Model' Command = '"${BinDir}\DDEdit.exe" ${DesignFile}' GlyphLocation = 3 Glyph = '${MediaDir}\RepBtn.bmp' InputFormat = 0 [Tools.EditPat] Caption = 'Edit Test &Patterns' Description = '' Hint = 'Edit Patterns|Edit Test Patterns' Command = '"${BinDir}\VecEdit" ${DesignFile}' GlyphLocation = 0 Glyph = '' InputFormat = 0 [Tools.Waveforms] Caption = '&Waveform Display' Description = '' Hint = 'View Waveforms|View Waveforms' Command = '"${BinDir}\wave.exe" ${DesignFile}' GlyphLocation = 0 Glyph = '' InputFormat = 0 [WebPages] Count = 7 1 = '&Project News|http://www.pld.ttu.ee/project.html' 2 = <SEPARATOR> 3 = '&Turbo Tester Home Page|http://www.pld.ttu.ee/tt/' 4 = '&Best of the Web|http://www.pld.ttu.ee/links.html' 5 = '&Search the Web in Estonia|http://www.ee/www' 6 = <SEPARATOR> 7 = '&Design and Test Center Home Page|http://www.pld.ttu.ee'
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