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IAF0530 / IAF9530 - Dependability and fault tolerance

Welcome to the cource IAF0530 / IAF9530 - Dependability and Fault Tolerance homepage.

Here you will find all the information about the course, including reading materials, lecture notes, etc. Till then you can visit the 2016's version of the same course.

Lectures will be held on Mondays, 10:00-11:30. Location: ICT-315 (Akadeemia tee 15a). Special sessions will be held on weeks 12-16, on Mondays 8:30-11:30.

In all e-mails please mention either IAF0530 or IAF9530 in the Subject. Otherwize your e-mail might remain un-noticed.

Important dates (preliminary):

  • No lectures on March 27 and April 24.
  • March 6: Case study topic selection (title) + preliminary list of literature. Send by e-mail. Wait for approval.
  • March 27 (23:59):
    • Draft of the report (by e-mail)
      • Abstract, outline, main references, ca. 1 page
  • April 7: Registration for presentations
  • April 10, 17, May 8 and 15: Student presentations (08:30-11:30, April 10: 10:00-11:30).
  • May 22 (23:59): Deadline for final written reports.
  • Oral exam & discussions: May 29 - June 5. Registration for discussions


Case Studies

Lecture notes


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