1. Algebra
2. Abstract Automata
3. Abstract Network
4. Partition Pairs and Pair Algebra
      4.1. Partition Pair
      4.2. Mapping
      4.3. Examples
      4.4. Lemma
      4.5. Operators m and M
      4.6. Pair Algebra
      4.7. Lemma
      4.8. Another Definition for Operator M
      4.9. S-S, I-S, S-O, I-O pairs
      4.10. Applet on Operator M
5. Construction of an Abstract Network
6. Structured Network
7. Additive Decomposition



4.1. Partition pair

Def. A partition pair (,') on the automaton  is an ordered pair of partitions on S such that  implies .

4.2. Mapping of the blocks

Def. Given an automaton A, we say that state s goes into state t under input x iff 
For a subset B of S we define

and we say that the subset B goes into set B' under input x iff


Thus (,') is a partition pair (p.p.) on A iff the blocks of  are mapped into the blocks of ' by A. That is, for every x in I and  in , there exists a  in  such that


Example of partition pairs

4.4. Lemma: If (,') and (,') are partition pairs on A, then

(i) (×'×') is a p.p. on A and
(ii) (+'+') is a p.p. on A.

Note that (,I) and (0,) are trivially p.p.

4.5. Operators m and M

Def. If  is a partition on S of A, let  is a p.p. on A} and  is a p.p. on A}.

4.6. Pair algebra

Def. Let L1 and L2 be finite lattices. Then a subset  of is a pair algebra on  if and only if the two following postulates hold:

      1. (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) in  implies that (x1×x2, y1×y2) and (x1+x2, y1+y2) are in .
      2. For any x in L1 and y in L2, (x,1) and (0,y) are in .
NB! Postulate 1 can be interpreted: 4.7. Lemma: If  is a pair algebra on and (x,y) is in , then x'x and yy' implies that (x',y), (x,y'), and (x',y') are in .

4.8. Another definition for operator m

Def. Let  be a pair algebra on . For x in L1 we define in D}.


NB! Pair algebra associated with an automaton:

4.9. S-S, I-S, S-O, I-O pairs

Def. For a automaton , define:

  1. (,) is an S-S pair if and only if  and t are partitions on S and for all x in I,  implies ;
  2. (,) is an I-S pair if and only if is a partition on I,  is a partition on S, and for all s in S, ab() implies ;
  3. (,) is an S-O pair if and only if is a partition on S,  is a partition on O, and for all x in I,  implies ;
  4. (,) is an I-O pair if and only if  is a partition on I,   is a partition on O, and for all s in S, ab() implies .
Applet on Operator M

Construction of an Abstract Network
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Last update: 3 August, 2004