Before you can start using Turbo Tester, it has to be installed on your system. Currently, Turbo Tester supports two operating systems: Windows 95/98/NT and Solaris 2.X.
In order to install Turbo Tester under MS Windows, run setup.exe program from your Turbo Tester CD. It can be found in setup directory of the CD. Alternatively, if your system has AutoPlay function, then when inserting a CD, default "introductory" application is run. Select "Install Turbo Tester".
Turbo Tester uses HTMLHelp for its help system. This requires HTMLHelp viewer to be installed on your machine. HTMLHelp in turn requires at least minimum installation of MS Internet Explorer 3.0 or better to be installed. If you do not have these installed on your system yet, it is possible to install them now. The installation files can be found on Turbo Tester CD, in directory named contrib.
Installation also comes with HTML files used for creating HTMLHelp. So, if you do not wish to install HTMLHelp and/or IE on your machine, you don't have to. Simply open your favorite Web Browser, navigate into help folder of the Turbo Tester installation, and open file welcome.html.
bin | executables. |
lib | technology library files for the EDIF interface. |
samples | sample SSBDD models of ISCAS85 benchmarks. |
plugin | plug-in modules containing user interfaces to TT tools. |
help | help files in HTML and HTMLHelp formats. |
In order to install Turbo Tester under Solaris 2.X operating system, ...
bin | executables. |
lib | technology library files for the EDIF interface. |
samples | sample SSBDD models of ISCAS85 benchmarks. |
help | help files in HTML format. |
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