Shell Command Reference
Turbo Tester shell includes a number of built-in commands and functions.
Following is a destillation of these with a brief description and link to
more thorough information.
The set of
commands and functions described below may change in the future!
Built-in Commands in Turbo Tester Shell
- builtins - Prints the names of built-in commands
- cat - Concatenates file(s) and prints on the screen
- cd - Change working directory
- echo - Echoes specified string to standard output
- env - Displays environment variables
- help - This command gives help about commands
- history - Displays history of commands
- ls - Lists working directory
- pwd - Prints working directory
- set - Sets/displays internal variables
- setenv - Sets environment variable values
- source - Loads and executes external script file
- unset - Removes internal variables
- unsetenv - Removes environment variables
Functions in Turbo Tester Shell
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